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Digital Pathology Core

generates digital representations of glass microscope slide tissue (whole-slide images) in “SVS” format.

Slide Scanner AT2

Experimental Irradiation Core

specializes in moderate and low dose irradiation of cell cultures, tissues and animals.

Metered isoflurane, MicroPoint, Orthovoltage IC225, Orthovoltage unit, Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP)

Meredith Morgan, PhD

germ-free mouse facility featured header image of germ-free cages

Germ-Free Mouse Facility

provides services to the entire University of Michigan community and can also ship germ-free mice to locations worldwide.

Flexible-film gnotobiotic isolators, Positive-pressure individually ventilated cages IsoCage P

Germ-Free Mouse Facility

Human Research 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Research 3T)

provides anatomic and advanced MR imaging services for IRB-approved, sponsor-funded studies and clinical trials.

Expression’s Patient Monitor, Medrad MRX Power Injector, Philips 3 Tesla MRI Model Ingenia SW R5.4, SensaVue II Entertainment and fMRI system

Thomas L. Chenevert, PhD

Human Stem Cell and Gene Editing Core (HSCGE)

provides iPSC reprogramming, stem cell characterization and differentiation, and genome editing.

Biosafety cabinet, Centrifuge Sorval ST8, Countess FL, ECO CLEANBENCH, EVOS FL Auto live imaging system, Heraeus CO2 tissue culture incubators, IncuCyte living-cell analysis system, Inverted CKX53 microscope with LED illumination, Laminar workflow station, Multiple electrode array, NEON transfection system, Tissue incubator with high-O2 capacity, Tissue incubator with low-O2 capacity

Hybridoma Core

provides custom monoclonal antibody development and bulk production of monoclonal antibodies.

David A. Fox, MD

Institute for Healthcare and Policy Innovation (IHPI)

access to 20 terabytes of data, from more than 113 million Americans, for researchers to study how healthcare works.

Cloud storage, Virtual servers

Patrick Brady, MHA

Metabolic, Physiological and Behavioral Phenotyping Core (MMPC-Live)

Performs a variety of in vivo physiological assessments and behavioral measurements.

4-unit open-field locomotor monitoring system with infrared beams, EchoMRI 4in 1-500, Fiber photometry system, Multi-lane regular running treadmills, Plexon optogenetic system, Surgical stereo dissecting microscopes

Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Clinical Core

provides expertise and services to support basic, translation, and clinical diabetes research.

William Herman, MD, MPH

Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Islet Core

provides services using rodent models to study islet biology related to diabetes

12-channel Suprafusion 1000, Cytospin 4, Digital stereotaxic frame, Elevated plus maze, Fiber photometry, In vivo optogenetics, Metabolic cages, Minispec, Nikon AZ-1000, Open field, Operant cages, Phenotyper chambers, Scintillation counter

Corentin Cras-Meneur, PhD

Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Microscopy & Image Analysis Core (MIAC)

provides protein/RNA imaging and analysis for diabetes-related research

Image analysis workstations, Leica Stellaris 8 Resonant FALCON Confocal Microscope Stellaris 8, Nikon A1 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope A1

David A. Antonetti, PhD

Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Molecular Genetics Core (MGC)

applies genetic methodologies to research questions related to diabetes.

David P. Olson, MD, PhD

Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR)

educates, funds, connects & supports clinical and translational research teams.

Michigan Integrative Musculoskeletal Health Core Center (MiMHC)

Our 3 Cores provide analyses aimed at understanding musculoskeletal health using paraffin and plastic (hard tissue) histology and training, micro/nanoCT imaging, Raman spectrometry, whole animal/tissue level testing, Omics and machine learning support.

Automated tissue processor ASP 300S, Band saw 312, Cryostat - Leica CM3050S, Current stimulator 701B, Embedder for paraffin, Force measuring system BG-50, BF-300, BG-1000, Grinder/Polisher, In vivo microComputed Tomography system 1176, Materials testing system 8511, Materials testing system Bionix, Materials testing system eXert 4500, Microscope Eclipse, Microtomes, Muscle control 300B and 305B, Nanoindentor TI950, Peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT) XCT 2000 L, Raman fiber probe RamanRxn-1, Raman microscope E600, Treadmill, Ultrasound Vevo2100, Video tracking system, microComputed Tomography system (microCT) 100, nanoComputed Tomography system (nanoCT) m

Karl Jepsen, PhD

Micro & Nano Computed Tomography Advanced Imaging Core

provides 3-D imaging and quantitative analysis of structures/materials, including metals, silica-based chips and plastics.

In vivo/Bruker Skyscan 1176 high resolution micro-CT imaging system 1176, Phoenix x-ray | Nanotom m

Microbiome Core

provides microbial sequencing, high-throughput nucleic acid extraction, microbial cultivation, and strain identification.

ABI qPCR System, Agilent BioAnalyzer, Anaerobic Growth Chambers - Hypoxic & Anaerobic COY Chambers, Axygen Gel Documentation System, Bruker MALDI Biotyper Sirius GP System, Class II biological cabinets, Eppendorf Mastercyclers, Eppendorf epMotion, Illumina MiSeq, Qiagen TissueLyser II

Tom Schmidt, Ph.D

Miller Lab

provides usage of the Agilent Seahorse XFe96 for cellular analysis of oxygen consumption and extracellular acidification.

Agilent Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer

Mixed Methods Program

promotes rigorous mixed methods research and scholarship across academic disciplines.

Morphomic Analysis Group (MAG)

provides morphomic data derived from medical imaging to improve patient care, further research, and support education.

Total Cores: 53