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Academic IT Core

offers a set of specialized IT services designed with our research community in mind.

Dan St. Pierre

[email protected]

Advanced Research Computing – Technology Services

provides high performance computing (HPC) tools applicable to disciplines across campus.

Data Storage, Graphics Processing Units (GPU), Networking, Super Computer Cluster

Anatomical Donations Program

provides access to anatomical donations for supporting training and new advancements in medical science.

Anatomical Donations Program

[email protected]

Animal Biosafety Level 3 Laboratory

Provides access for researchers to appropriate laboratory facilities to conduct non-Select Agent in-vivo work

Biosafety cabinets, Cell Sorters, Centrifuge, Microscope

Dalis Collins

[email protected]

an image of an Animal Surgery Operating Room at the U-M Medical School

Animal Surgery Operating Rooms (ASOR)

provides facilities to perform sterile, minimally-invasive, and non-sterile surgical procedures on non-rodent species.

Anesthesia machines with isoflurane or Sevoflurane vaporizers, Autoclave, Basic surgical instruments and supplies, Cautery units, External heat support (heat lamps/circulating water blankets/ Hot Dog), Fluoroscopy, Glucometer, I-Stat: chemistry and blood gas analyzer, IV fluid warmer, IV infusion pumps, Lead gowns & thyroid shields, Microhematocrit centrifuge, Monitors: EKG, Pulse oximetry, carbon dioxide, direct and indirect blood pressure (NIBP and IBP), Radiographic unit, Refractometer, Scrubs and personal protective equipment, Stainless steel tables, Surgical suction, Ventilators

Animal Surgery Operating Rooms
[email protected]

Applied Biostatics Laboratory & Data Management Core

The goal for the Applied Biostatistics Laboratory is to further advance the methodological and statistical rigor of research projects

Dr. Robert Ploutz-Snyder
[email protected]

Biochemical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (BNMR) Laboratory

provides equipment training, sample analysis, consulting services and quantitative metabolomics NMR services.

400 MHz, 500 MHz

Larisa Yeomans, PhD
[email protected]

Biointerfaces Institute (BI)

offers a suite of instrumentation capabilities that include 3D Bioprinting, Material and Particle Characterization and Rheology.

3D Bioprinter 3DDiscovery, 3D printer Invivo, Chiral Raman Spectrometer Chiral RAMAN-2X, Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer J-1700, Circular Dichroism Spectrophotometer J-815, Circularly Polarized Luminescence Spectrophotometer CPL-300, Differential Scanning Calorimeter Discovery DSC, Fluorometer FluoroMax Plus, Fluorometer QuantumMaster 400, Fourier-transform infrared spectrometer, Isothermal Titration Calorimetry Nano ITC, Liquid Differential Scanning Calorimeter Nano DCS, Live cell Holotomography 3D Cell Explorer Fluoro, Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter Autopore V (Model: 9620), Micromechanical Testing and Assembly Station FT-RS1002 Microrobotic System and FT-UMS1000 Universal Measurement Stand, Microscope with Live Cell environmental chamber IX83, Mueller Matrix Polarimeter Measurement System Exicor XZT, Nano Tensile/Compression Mechanical Tester UTM T150, Particle Size Characterization, Dynamic Light Scattering, Zeta Potential Zetasizer Nano ZSP, Particle Size Characterization, Laser Scattering Mastersizer 2000 with Hydro2000S, Particle Size Characterization, Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis Nanosight NS300, Particle Size Characterization, Nanoparticle Tracking Analysis, Zeta Potential ZetaView TWIN, Quantitative Pathology Microscope Workstation Mantra, Rheometer HR-2 Discovery Hybrid, Soft Material Mechanical Testing MicroSquisher, Superresolution Structured Illumination Microscopy ELYRA S.1 SIM, Surface Plasmon Resonance, Thermal Gravimetric Analysis Discovery TGA

Sarah Spanninga, PhD
[email protected]

Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility

Analyzing biological and large macromolecular samples using mass spectrometry.

QExactive Ultra High Range Mass Spectrometry, TSQ Quantis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry, Waters Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry, Waters LC preparative auto-purification mass spectrometry system

Biomolecular Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Laboratory

uses state of the art NMR instruments to obtain structural, dynamic and kinetic information on biological macromolecules.

Agilent/Varian 400 MHz w/room temperature probe (H/F-X) 400 MHz NMR, Bruker 600 MHz w/cryoprobe (H/C/N) 600MHz NMR, Bruker 600 MHz w/prodigy cryoprobe (H/F-X) 600 MHz NMR, Bruker 800 MHz w/cryoprobe (H/C/N) 800MHz NMR

Debashish Sahu, PhD
[email protected]

BRCF Advanced Genomics Core (AGC)

provides high-quality, low-cost advanced genomic analysis on a recharge basis.

ABI qPCR System, Arrays iScan, Next Generation Sequencing, Next Generation Sequencing BluePippin, Next Generation Sequencing GridION, Next Generation Sequencing MiSeq, Next Generation Sequencing NextSeq 2000, Next Generation Sequencing NextSeq 500/550, Next Generation Sequencing NovaSeq 6000, Next Generation Sequencing S2, Quality Control 2200 TapeStation, Quality Control 4200 TapeStation, Quality Control Bioanalyzer, Quality Control LabChip GX Touch, Quality Control Qubit Fluorimeter, Single Cell Chromium Controller, Single Cell Chromium System, Single Cell ChromiumX, Single Cell Countess II, Single Cell Luna Fx7, Spatial Transcriptomics CM1860, Spatial Transcriptomics Epifluorescence Microscope BX51, Spatial Transcriptomics GeoMx DSP, Spatial Transcriptomics S700, Spatial Transcriptomics Visium CytAssist, qPCR QuantSTudio 12K Flex, qPCR StepOne

Olivia Koues, PhD

[email protected]

BRCF Bioinformatics Core

assists with the experimental design, workflow development, and analysis of next-generation sequencing data.

Bioinformatics Core
[email protected]

BRCF Biomedical Research Store

provides on-site procurement of enzymes, reagents, and kits used in molecular, cell biology, and some protein chemistry.

BRCF Epigenomics Core

provides sample quality control, library preparation, and sequencing for the study of cytosine and histone modifications.

Claudia Lalancette, PhD
[email protected]

BRCF Flow Cytometry Core

provides instrumentation and expertise in flow cytometric analysis.

Bigfoot Spectral, Bio-Rad ZE5, Cytek Aurora, Cytoflex, FACSAria III, Fortessa, ImagestreamX Mark II, Microfluidic Sorter, MoFlo Astrios, Sony MA900, Sony SH800, Sony Synergy

BRCF Metabolomics Core

measures concentrations of small molecules in biological samples on a recharge basis.

GC-MS 6890, LC-QQQ 6410, LC-QQQ 6490, LC-QTOF 6545, LC-TripleTOF 5600+, Orbitrap IDX

Maureen Kachman, PhD
[email protected]

BRCF Microscopy Core

provides instrumentation and expertise for light and electron microscopy imaging.

A1 confocal (2), A1R confocal, A1si confocal, CSU-X1 SDC, EVO 15 LAB6 SEM, JEM 1400 TEM, Lattice Lighhtsheet 7, Lightsheet 7, N-SIM, SP5 Confocal/MP, SP8 Confocal/MP/STED/FLIM, Stellaris Confocal

Jennifer Peters, PhD
[email protected]

BRCF Proteomics Resource Facility (PRF)

dedicated to protein analysis and applying mass spectrometry-based proteomic approaches to varied biological questions.

Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid with ETD, Q Exactive HF

Venkatesha Basrur, PhD
[email protected]

BRCF Transgenic Animal Model Core

provide access to transgenic animal technology in an efficient, effective manner.

Zachary T Freeman DVM, PhD
[email protected]

BRCF Vector Core

produces biological vectors that facilitate the transfer of specific genes into either normal or aberrant cells.

Tom Lanigan, PhD
[email protected]

Total Cores: 100