Explore the many services, equipment, and instrumentation that the University of Michigan offers across campus in its core facilities.


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Please click on the core name for more details on the resources and expertise available in each.

Electron Microbeam Analysis Lab (EMAL)

provides instrumentation for the chemical and structural characterization of solid materials.

Carbon coater Carbon Coater, Electron microprobe SX100, Gold coater Desk II, Scanning electron microscope JSM-7800F, X-ray diffractometer UltimaIV

Experimental Irradiation Core

specializes in moderate and low dose irradiation of cell cultures, tissues and animals.

Metered isoflurane, MicroPoint, Orthovoltage IC225, Orthovoltage unit, Small Animal Radiation Research Platform (SARRP)

Meredith Morgan, PhD

Functional MRI Laboratory (FMRI)

supports research on the structures and functions of the brain that underlie cognitive and affective processes.

8 channel receiver array coil, Arterial Spin Labeling subsystem, Biopac 100C EMG system, Brainsight Positioning System for TMS and MR image co-registration, Display goggles, E-Prime, Eye Tracker Software, Eyetracker camera, Fiber optic Response Claws, MR750 3T MRI scanner, Model 220 Biphasic TMS stimulator, Occipital coil, Physiological Monitoring (Cardiac cycle, respiration)

Scott Peltier, PhD
(734) 647-8077

germ-free mouse facility featured header image of germ-free cages

Germ-Free Mouse Facility

provides services to the entire University of Michigan community and can also ship germ-free mice to locations worldwide.

Flexible-film gnotobiotic isolators, Positive-pressure individually ventilated cages IsoCage P

Germ-Free Mouse Facility


offers a fully functional homelike research environment to facilitate human-centered research in a wide variety of contexts.

ADA accommodation, Accelerometers: APDM, Automated facial expression coding: Noldus FaceReader/iMotions Emotient, Behavioral coding: Noldus The Observer XT, Color tunable lighting for dawn, day, dusk, or night effect, Controlled hot water temperature, Dedicated servers for short-term data storage, EDA/GSR: Shimmer 3 GSR+/BioNomadix EDA & PPG, EEG: ABM B-Alert X10, EKG: Shimmer ExG/ABM B-Alert X10, EMG: Shimmer ExG/BioNomadix EMG2, Experiment design & stimuli presentation: E-Prime 2/E-Prime 3/DirectRT/MediaLab/iMotions Core/Tobii Studio, Flexible furnishing arrangements, Functional appliances and plumbing, Grip Strength/Pull Strength: Biopac TSD121C Hand Dynamometer, HomeLab, Humidity and temperature control, Integrated AV recording system, Modality equipment and software, Optical pulse: Shimmer 3 GSR+/BioNomadix EDA & PPG, Residential cable, wireless internet and cell service; U-M internet, Respiration: Shimmer ExG, Skin temperature: Shimmer Bridge Amplifier + Probe, Synchronized, multi-modal data collection: BIOPAC MP150/iMotions/Cedrus StimTracker, Video editing: Mac Pro/Adobe Creative Cloud, Video recording: Logitech HD Webcam C920

Alicia Carmichael

Human Research 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Research 3T)

provides anatomic and advanced MR imaging services for IRB-approved, sponsor-funded studies and clinical trials.

Expression’s Patient Monitor, Medrad MRX Power Injector, Philips 3 Tesla MRI Model Ingenia SW R5.4, SensaVue II Entertainment and fMRI system

Thomas L. Chenevert, PhD

Human Stem Cell and Gene Editing Core (HSCGE)

provides iPSC reprogramming, stem cell characterization and differentiation, and genome editing.

Biosafety cabinet, Centrifuge Sorval ST8, Countess FL, ECO CLEANBENCH, EVOS FL Auto live imaging system, Heraeus CO2 tissue culture incubators, IncuCyte living-cell analysis system, Inverted CKX53 microscope with LED illumination, Laminar workflow station, Multiple electrode array, NEON transfection system, Tissue incubator with high-O2 capacity, Tissue incubator with low-O2 capacity

Hybridoma Core

provides custom monoclonal antibody development and bulk production of monoclonal antibodies.

David A. Fox, MD

Institute for Healthcare and Policy Innovation (IHPI)

access to 20 terabytes of data, from more than 113 million Americans, for researchers to study how healthcare works.

Cloud storage, Virtual servers

Patrick Brady, MHA

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Virtual Data Enclave (ICPSR)

maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences.

Adobe Acrobat, ArcGIS, DimPack, GNU Emacs, GeoDa, HLM, IRTPRO, JAGS, MPlus, Microsoft Office, R for Windows, RStudio, SAS, SPSS, SUDAAN, SpatialEcology, StatTransfer, Stata, Textpad, WinBUGS

Stuart Hutchings

Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center (KECC)

manages and maintains a secure HIPAA and FISMA enclave and provides Expert Consultation as well as Staff Effort

Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center
(734) 763-6611

Library Visualization Services

provides free support for data visualization across all disciplines.

Library Visualization Services


LSA Scientific Instrument Shop

provides custom scientific apparatus from metal and plastic as well as training for students to use machine tools.

Brake Roll Form Punch & Notcher, CNC Turning Center with 12 Position Tool Changer, Engine Lathe (up to 25in diameter), Lathe (6), Shear, Vertical Milling Machine (9)

Lurie Nanofabrication Facility (LNF)

provides advanced micro- and nano-fabrication equipment and expertise to enable cutting edge research.

ALD Fiji, ALD OpAl, Annealing Furnace, Annealing Furnace ST1800C-888, Atomic Force Microscope Icon, Bio-Safety Cabinet, Bond Aligner 620, Centrifuge, Chemical Bench, Chemical Mechanical Polishing 6EC, Confocal Microscope OLS 4000 LEXT, Contact Aligner / Bond Aligner MA/BA-6, Contact Aligner MA-6, Contact Aligner MJB 45S, Contact Aligner MJB3, Convection Oven, Critical Point Drying Automegasamdri 915B, Deep UV, Ozone Treatment PL16, Developer CEE, Dicing Saw 7100, Diffusion Furnace, Dip Pen Nanolithography DPN 5000, E-beam Evaporator, E-beam Evaporator Cooke, E-beam Evaporator SJ-20, E-beam Evaporator SJ-26, E-beam Lithography JBX6300 FS, E-beam/Thermal Evaporator Evovac, Etching/Release Xetch X.3.B, FTIR Microscope and Bench Cary 620/670, Flip Chip Bonder Lambda, Fluorescent Microscope BX51, Goniometer 200-U1, Image Reversal Oven 310TA €, Incubator, Infra-Red Microscope BX51, Inkjet Printer MP-2831, Ion Mill Nanoquest II, LPCVD Furnace, Lapper PM5, Mask Cleaner PSC 122M, Mask Making, Direct Write uPG 501, Megasonic Cleaner CL200, Optical Profilometer New View 5000, Oxidation Furnace, PECVD P5000, PECVD ULTRADEP 2000, Parylene Deposition System PDS2035, Photoresist Track Coater/Developer ACS 200, Plasma Cleaner 1000P, Plasma Etching CV200RFS(E), Rapid Thermal Annealing RTP 100, Rapid Thermal Annealing RTP 150, Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE) 790, Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE) 9400, Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE) AOE, Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE) P5000, Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE) Pegasus, Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE) PlasmaLab, Reflectometer 6100, Scanning Electron Microscope SU8000 In-line, Spectroscopic Ellipsometer M-2000, Spinner CEE 100CB, Spinner CEE 200X, Sputtering Endeavor M1, Sputtering Lab18, Sputtering PVD75, Stepper AS200, Stress Measurement FLX-2320-S, Surface Plasma Treatment nP12, Surface Profilometer 6M, Surface Profilometer XT, Vacuum Oven PB8-2B-CP, Wafer Bonder 510, Wafer Bonder 520IS, Wafer Bonder SB-6E, Wafer Cleaner Trilennium , Wire Bonder iBond 5000

Sandrine Martin, PhD


is a proving ground for testing connected and automated vehicles and technologies under controlled and realistic conditions.

5G connectivity, Augmented reality testing technology, Ethernet, Fiber Optics, Infrastructure can be controlled with software, Open-source API controls, Real-time Kinematic Positioning System, Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, Wireless

Metabolic, Physiological and Behavioral Phenotyping Core (MMPC-Live)

Performs a variety of in vivo physiological assessments and behavioral measurements.

4-unit open-field locomotor monitoring system with infrared beams, EchoMRI 4in 1-500, Fiber photometry system, Multi-lane regular running treadmills, Plexon optogenetic system, Surgical stereo dissecting microscopes

Michigan Center for Materials Characterization (MC)2

is dedicated to the micron and nanoscale imaging and analysis of materials.

Benchmark Hotplate Stirrer, Buehler Ecomet 3 Variable Speed Grinder-Polisher, Cameca LEAP 5000HR, FEI Helios 650 Nanolab SEM/FIB, FEI Nova 200 Nanolab SEM/FIB, FEI Quanta 3D SEM/FIB, Fischione Model 1020 Plasma Cleaner, Fisher Scientific FS20D Ultrasonic Cleaner, Gatan Model 601 Ultrasonic Disk Cutter, Gatan Model 626 Cryo TEM holder, Gatan Model 656 Dimple Grinder, Gatan Model 691 PIPS, Hummingbird Scientific Liquid Flow TEM holder, Hysitron PicoIndenter, Hysitron TriboIndenter, JEOL 3100R05 Double Cs Corrected TEM/STEM, Kratos Axis Ultra XPS, Leica cryo stage for SEM, Nikon Microscope with Scion CCD Camera, Nikon SMZ 745 Microscope, Nikon SMZ 745T Microscope with Panasonic TV Camera, Reichert-Jung Ultracut E, SBT Model 360 Disc Dril, SBT Model 650 Low Speed Diamond Wheel Saw, SBT Wire Saw, SPI-Module Carbon/Sputter Coater, SYBRON-Thermolyne Hot Plate Oven OV 10600, Spectra 300 Ultimonochromated Cs Corrected S/TEM, TESCAN MIRA3 FEG SEM, TESCAN RISE, Talos F200X G2 S/TEM, Ted Pella LKB 7800 Knifemaker, Thermolyne Type 1000 Stir Plate, Veeco Dimension Icon AFM, Zeiss Xradia Versa 520 3D X-ray Microscope with DCT module

Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Chemistry Laboratory

provides assays related to diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension for short-term and long-term human and animal studies.

Core equipment is for staff use only and is not available for use by researchers.

Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Clinical Core

provides expertise and services to support basic, translation, and clinical diabetes research.

William Herman, MD, MPH

Total Cores: 101

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