Chemical, Material and Protein Characterization


Search below to explore services, equipment, locations, and more

Please click on the core name for more details on the resources and expertise available in each.

Biointerfaces Institute (BI)

offers a suite of instrumentation capabilities that include 3D Bioprinting, Material and Particle Characterization and Rheology.

Sarah Spanninga, PhD
[email protected]

Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility

Analyzing biological and large macromolecular samples using mass spectrometry.

BRCF Proteomics Resource Facility (PRF)

dedicated to protein analysis and applying mass spectrometry-based proteomic approaches to varied biological questions.

Venkatesha Basrur, PhD
[email protected]

Center for Chemical Genomics (CCG)

provides high-throughput screening of extensive small molecule, natural product and siRNA libraries.

Center for Structural Biology (CSB)

assists with protein engineering, purification, and macromolecular crystallization for solving crystal structures.

Electron Microbeam Analysis Lab (EMAL)

provides instrumentation for the chemical and structural characterization of solid materials.

Michigan Center for Materials Characterization (MC)2

is dedicated to the micron and nanoscale imaging and analysis of materials.

Michigan Elemental Analysis Laboratory (MEAL)

provides analysis on a variety of biological, environmental, geological, chemical, pharmaceutical, and industrial materials.

Michigan Integrative Musculoskeletal Health Core Center (MiMHC)

Our 3 Cores provide analyses aimed at understanding musculoskeletal health using paraffin and plastic (hard tissue) histology and training, micro/nanoCT imaging, Raman spectrometry, whole animal/tissue level testing, Omics and machine learning support.

Karl Jepsen, PhD

[email protected]

Micro & Nano Computed Tomography Advanced Imaging Core

provides 3-D imaging and quantitative analysis of structures/materials, including metals, silica-based chips and plastics.

NanoPos Group

studies nano-scale defects and open volumes in condensed matter using positron annihilation spectroscopies.

David Gidley, PhD
[email protected]

Natural Products Discovery Core (NPDC)

develops candidates identified through high-throughput screening into unique, bioactive, patentable, small molecules.

Ashootosh Tripathi, PhD
[email protected]

Pharmacokinetic and Mass Spectrometry Core

maintains mass spectrometry instruments and the technical expertise to design quantitative assays for drug-like compounds.

Raman Spectroscopy Core (RSC)

provides assisted use of Raman Spectroscopy instruments.

Adam Matzger, PhD
[email protected]

Space Physics Research Laboratory (SPRL)

provide space physics instrumentation, training, and data analysis.

Vahlteich Medicinal Chemistry Core (VMCC)

provides drug discovery oriented services utilizing both wet and computational chemistry.

Martin Clasby, PhD
[email protected]

Total Cores: 17