Histology, Pathology and Tissue


Search below to explore services, equipment, locations, and more

Please click on the core name for more details on the resources and expertise available in each.

Central Biorepository (CBR)

Provides access to and storage of high-quality, highly annotated human biospecimens.

Custom kit production and biospecimen chain of custody from clinic-CBR-end user.

Victoria Blanc, PhD
[email protected]

Dental School Histology Core Facility

specializes in sectioning of hard (demineralized) tissues and offers basic histology and staining.

Digital Pathology Core

generates digital representations of glass microscope slide tissue (whole-slide images) in “SVS” format.

Peter D. Ouillette
[email protected]

Michigan Diabetes Research Center (MDRC) Microscopy & Image Analysis Core (MIAC)

provides protein/RNA imaging and analysis for diabetes-related research

David A. Antonetti, PhD
[email protected]

Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR)

educates, funds, connects & supports clinical and translational research teams.

Michigan Integrative Musculoskeletal Health Core Center (MiMHC)

Our 3 Cores provide analyses aimed at understanding musculoskeletal health using paraffin and plastic (hard tissue) histology and training, micro/nanoCT imaging, Raman spectrometry, whole animal/tissue level testing, Omics and machine learning support.

Karl Jepsen, PhD

[email protected]

Micro & Nano Computed Tomography Advanced Imaging Core

provides 3-D imaging and quantitative analysis of structures/materials, including metals, silica-based chips and plastics.

Platelet Pharmacology and Physiology Core

facilitates blood collection, pharmacological equipment usage and training services.

Rogel Cancer Center Tissue and Molecular Pathology (TMP) Core

provides tissue procurement, histology, and molecular pathology services.

Thomas Giordano, MD, PhD
[email protected]

ULAM Pathology Core (formerly IVAC)

is a research pathology core run by ULAM providing histology, bloodwork, pathology, and technical study support on a fee-for-service basis.

Ingrid L. Bergin, VMD, MS, DACLAM, DACVP
(734) 936-3395
[email protected]

Total Cores: 10