ULAM Pathology Core (formerly IVAC)

is a research pathology core run by ULAM providing histology, bloodwork, pathology, and technical study support on a fee-for-service basis.


Ingrid L. Bergin, VMD, MS, DACLAM, DACVP
(734) 936-3395


North Campus Research Complex
Building 36-G155/157
2800 Plymouth Road
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(734) 936-3395

1150 W. Medical Center Drive
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
(734) 936-3803

Medical School

Who We Serve

University of Michigan Researchers and External Researchers

Core Summary

The ULAM Pathology Core is a recharge-based research pathology laboratory run by the  Unit for Laboratory Animal Medicine (ULAM).The core provides anatomic and clinical pathology services to the U-M research community as well as diagnostic support for the veterinary care program. Oversight is provided by board-certified, veterinary pathologists with extensive experience in research pathology. Technical staff have certification and/or experience in histology or animal health related fields. The ULAM Pathology Core team provides rapid-turnaround services including:

  • Necropsy/tissue collection
  • Histology/immunohistochemistry
  • Animal hematology/clinical chemistry
  • Pathology interpretation and quantitative image analysis
  • Digital slide scanning (brightfield)
  • Project consultation

Services are provided on a fee-for-service basis, and estimates/pre-project consultations are available and encouraged. ULAM Pathology Core submissions can be made by appointment through MiCORES

ULAM Pathology Core’s main lab is located at NCRC, but a convenient satellite location on the Medical Campus with courier service between the two labs is also available.

Additionally, the Technical Services Team can provide support for in-vivo studies via assistance with dosing, monitoring, blood/tissue collection, ear tagging/other animal identification, and training on specific techniques. Submit Tech service requests through our website.

Service Categories: Animal Research; Histology, Pathology and Tissue


  • Animal diagnostic laboratory (ADL) testing

  • Blood collection

  • Clinical chemistry

  • Digital image analysis

  • Digital slide scanning

  • Dosing

  • Hematology

  • Histology

  • Necropsy

  • Pathology evaluation and reporting

  • Quantitative morphometry


  • Aiforia platform
    Aiforia, Core Use Only
  • Aperio digital whole slide scanner Aperio AT2
    Leica, Core Use Only
  • Brightfield & epifluorescent microscopes Various
    Olympus, Core Use Only
  • Cryostat - microtome CM3050 S
    Leica, Core Use Only
  • Down-draft necropsy tables and backdraft grossing stations for animal necropsy and tissue trimming, BSL1 and BSL2 space Various
    Mopec, Core Use Only
  • Heska hematology analyzer Element HT5
    Heska, Core Use Only
  • Intellipath immunohistochemistry autostainer Intellipath
    Biocare, Core Use Only
  • Leica histostainer ST5010 XL
    Leica, Core Use Only
  • Liasys clinical chemistry instrument Liasys 330
    AMS Diagnostics, Core Use Only
  • Paraffin sectioning microtomes (multiple) RM2125 and others
    Leica, Core Use Only
  • Tissue embedding station
  • Tissue processors Tissue-Tek VIP 6
    Sakura Finetek, Core Use Only
  • Type II Biosafety cabinet SCPlus
    Allentown, Core Use Only