Data Tools and Analysis


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Please click on the core name for more details on the resources and expertise available in each.

Applied Biostatics Laboratory & Data Management Core

The goal for the Applied Biostatistics Laboratory is to further advance the methodological and statistical rigor of research projects

Dr. Robert Ploutz-Snyder
[email protected]

Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility

Analyzing biological and large macromolecular samples using mass spectrometry.

BRCF Bioinformatics Core

assists with the experimental design, workflow development, and analysis of next-generation sequencing data.

Bioinformatics Core
[email protected]

Cardiovascular Regeneration Core Laboratory

generates patient-specific human induced pluripotent stem cells to study cardiovascular diseases.

Todd Herron, PhD
[email protected]

Center for Chemical Genomics (CCG)

provides high-throughput screening of extensive small molecule, natural product and siRNA libraries.

Center for Molecular Imaging (CMI) & Preclinical Molecular Imaging (PMI)

provide instrumentation and expertise in non-invasive animal imaging.

Data & Design Core, Eisenberg Family Depression Center

Offers statistical support and guidance for leveraging secondary data resources for mental health research

Meghan Seewald

[email protected]

Data Office for Clinical & Translational Research (DOCTR)

enables secure access to patient data through investigator-friendly, self-serve tools and custom data extracts.

Data Science, Biostatistics, and Informatics Core

provides experimental design, data management, health analytics, mathematical modeling, and statistical computing.

Electron Microbeam Analysis Lab (EMAL)

provides instrumentation for the chemical and structural characterization of solid materials.

Human Research 3 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Research 3T)

provides anatomic and advanced MR imaging services for IRB-approved, sponsor-funded studies and clinical trials.

Thomas L. Chenevert, PhD
[email protected]

Institute for Healthcare and Policy Innovation (IHPI)

access to 20 terabytes of data, from more than 113 million Americans, for researchers to study how healthcare works.

Patrick Brady, MHA
[email protected]

Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research Virtual Data Enclave (ICPSR)

maintains a data archive of more than 250,000 files of research in the social and behavioral sciences.

Stuart Hutchings
[email protected]

Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center (KECC)

manages and maintains a secure HIPAA and FISMA enclave and provides Expert Consultation as well as Staff Effort

Kidney Epidemiology and Cost Center
(734) 763-6611
[email protected]

Library Visualization Services

provides free support for data visualization across all disciplines.

Library Visualization Services

[email protected]

Michigan Center for Materials Characterization (MC)2

is dedicated to the micron and nanoscale imaging and analysis of materials.

Michigan Flora Online

presents the basic information about all vascular plants known to occur outside of cultivation in the state.

Anton A. Reznicek
[email protected]

Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research (MICHR)

educates, funds, connects & supports clinical and translational research teams.

Michigan Integrative Musculoskeletal Health Core Center (MiMHC)

Our 3 Cores provide analyses aimed at understanding musculoskeletal health using paraffin and plastic (hard tissue) histology and training, micro/nanoCT imaging, Raman spectrometry, whole animal/tissue level testing, Omics and machine learning support.

Karl Jepsen, PhD

[email protected]

Micro & Nano Computed Tomography Advanced Imaging Core

provides 3-D imaging and quantitative analysis of structures/materials, including metals, silica-based chips and plastics.

Total Cores: 29