Gene Sequencing, Expression and Analysis


Search below to explore services, equipment, locations, and more

Please click on the core name for more details on the resources and expertise available in each.

BRCF Advanced Genomics Core (AGC)

provides high-quality, low-cost advanced genomic analysis on a recharge basis.

Olivia Koues, PhD

[email protected]

BRCF Bioinformatics Core

assists with the experimental design, workflow development, and analysis of next-generation sequencing data.

Bioinformatics Core
[email protected]

BRCF Epigenomics Core

provides sample quality control, library preparation, and sequencing for the study of cytosine and histone modifications.

Claudia Lalancette, PhD
[email protected]

BRCF Vector Core

produces biological vectors that facilitate the transfer of specific genes into either normal or aberrant cells.

Tom Lanigan, PhD
[email protected]

Bru-Seq Lab

provides nascent RNA sequencing using four techniques: Bru-seq, BruChase-seq, BruUV-seq, and BruDRB-seq.

Mats Ljungman, PhD
(734) 232-5438
[email protected]

Center for Chemical Genomics (CCG)

provides high-throughput screening of extensive small molecule, natural product and siRNA libraries.

Michigan Integrative Musculoskeletal Health Core Center (MiMHC)

Our 3 Cores provide analyses aimed at understanding musculoskeletal health using paraffin and plastic (hard tissue) histology and training, micro/nanoCT imaging, Raman spectrometry, whole animal/tissue level testing, Omics and machine learning support.

Karl Jepsen, PhD

[email protected]

Microbiome Core

provides microbial sequencing, high-throughput nucleic acid extraction, microbial cultivation, and strain identification.

Tom Schmidt, Ph.D

[email protected]

Pyrosequencing Core

assisted instrument usage of the PyromarkMD pyrosequencer.

Rogel Cancer Center Single Cell Analysis Resource

facilitates single cell experiments from initial experimental design through final data analysis.

Single Cell Analysis Resource

[email protected]

The Pan Omics & Data Science (PODS) Core

provides omic study support for members of the Michigan Center on Lifestage Environmental Exposures and Disease.

Maureen Sartor, PhD
[email protected]

Total Cores: 11