Dental School Molecular Biology Core

Dental School Molecular Biology Core

The Molecular Biology Core is a School of Dentistry sponsored, biotechnology core facility which has been serving our research community since 2001.  We provide real-time quantitative PCR (ViiA7, 7500 instruments).
Dental School Histology Core Facility

Dental School Histology Core Facility

The Histology Core Facility at the Dental School specializes in sectioning of hard (demineralized) tissues. We offer digital camera and NIS elements analysis software for self-use as well as self-use of our cryostat. The available Nikon E800 light microscope has...
Dental School MicroCT Core

Dental School MicroCT Core

At the Dental School MicroCT Core, Scanco µCT 100 micro-computed tomography system provides high-resolution scans of radio-opaque specimens such as bone, contrasted soft tissue, biomaterials, etc.  We can accommodate large specimens (up to 100mm diameter x 120mm...