BRCF Vector Core

produces biological vectors that facilitate the transfer of specific genes into either normal or aberrant cells.


Tom Lanigan, PhD
[email protected]


MSRB II (Rm C552)
1150 W. Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, MI

Medical School

Who We Serve

University of Michigan Researchers and External Researchers

Core Summary

The BRCF Vector Core produces biological vectors (e.g., viruses and DNA plasmids) that facilitate the transfer of specific genes into either normal or aberrant cells. The Vector Core also provides scientific and technical assistance and advice to researchers regarding the optimal use of these systems, experimental design using viral vectors, CRISPR-editing in cell lines, subcloning and general virus-related BSL2 lab safety and procedures. Gene transfer vectors require special handling precautions, and manufacturing systems that lend themselves to a core structure that optimizes efficiencies of scale and cost to the research community. 

Service Categories: Cell-Based Research; Gene Sequencing, Expression and Analysis ; Molecular Biology


  • Full service cell line modification using CRISPR

  • Plasmid repository

  • Subcloning

  • Vectors
    Adeno-Associated Virus (AAV), Adenovirus, Lentivirus, Plasmid, Retrovirus (MMLV/MSCV), shRNA library clones,


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