Vahlteich Medicinal Chemistry Core (VMCC)

provides drug discovery oriented services utilizing both wet and computational chemistry.


Jason Rech, PhD
[email protected]

Martin Clasby, PhD
[email protected]


North University Building (Rm 4562)
1100 N University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI

Chemistry Building (Rm 3632)
930 N University Ave, Ann Arbor, MI


Who We Serve

University of Michigan Researchers and External Researchers

Core Summary

The Vahlteich Medicinal Chemistry Core (VMCC) provides a wide range of quality small molecule drug discovery related services. Including; lead compound selection after screening, lead optimization, custom compound synthesis, pharmacokinetic properties optimization, and computational methods (structure-based drug design, virtual screening, homology modeling, chemoinformatics, etc.) .  We can also help you with the drug design and tool compound identification aspects of your grant applications with a medicinal chemistry plan.

Our clients are biomedical researchers within the University of Michigan and external organizations interested in advancing novel small molecule therapeutics to treat unmet medical needs.  

We are also committed to education in all aspects of drug discovery. Including; teaching graduate Medicinal Chemistry Courses and Training of Graduate Students in the practice of Medicinal Chemistry. 

Towards these objectives we: 

  • Establish collaborations with labs engaged in probe or therapeutics discovery.
  • Assist in applying for extramural funding to support our collaborations
  • Provide an opportunity for graduate students to get laboratory experience and classroom exposure to drug discovery and development
  • Apply state-of-the-art computational tools to guide quality lead selection
  • Provide quality fee-for-service synthesis and drug discovery consulting at affordable rates.

We specialize in medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, drug design, drug development, computational modeling and patent counseling.

Service Categories: Chemical, Material and Protein Characterization; Data Tools and Analysis ; Education and Training ; Informatics, Statistics and Computation


  • Computational Chemistry
    ADME property prediction, Chemoinformatics, Homology/pharmacophore modeling, Structure based drug design, Virtual screening,

  • Drug development

  • Medicinal and Computational Chemistry Consultation

  • Medicinal/Synthetic Chemistry
    ADME property optimization, Compound design and synthesis, Custom synthesis, HIT and lead series optimization, HTS triage, Optimization for drug or lead likeness parameters, Scale-up for preliminary in-vivo evaluation,


  • Analytical HPLC 1100
    Agilent, Core Use Only
  • Analytical HPLC 1260
    Agilent, Core Use Only
  • CombiFlash Rf+
    Teledyne, Core Use Only
  • CombiFlash Rf+Lumen
    Teledyne, Core Use Only
  • High Pressure Hydrogenator
    Parr, Core Use Only
  • Microwave Discover
    CEM, Core Use Only
  • Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) License for molecular modeling and docking
  • Preparative HPLC 2695
    Waters, Core Use Only
  • Quadrupole LCMS 6130
    Agilent, Core Use Only
  • Rotavap Various
    Buchi, Core Use Only
  • SchrÖdinger License for molecular modeling for drug discovery