BRCF Transgenic Animal Model Core
provide access to transgenic animal technology in an efficient, effective manner.
Zachary T Freeman DVM, PhD
[email protected]
MSRB II (Rm 2570)
1150 W. Medical Center Dr, Ann Arbor, MI
Medical School
Who We Serve
University of Michigan Researchers and External Researchers
Core Summary
The mission of the BRCF Transgenic Core is to provide access to transgenic animal technology in an efficient, effective manner. The Core routinely uses CRISPR/Cas9 to produce gene edited mice and rats. The Core delivers transgenic mice and rats to investigators for study. Researchers can use Core laboratory space and equipment side by side with Core staff. The Core consults on all phases of genome editing (CRISPR/Cas9), transgenic, and gene targeting research from experimental design through production and breeding. If desired, the investigator can simply name the required genetic change to be introduced; the Core will take all necessary steps to produce the necessary animals for the investigator. The Core’s expertise and success in genetic engineering with CRISPR/Cas9 means that the investigator can focus resources on research results instead of investing in equipment and training in new methods. The efficiency of transgenic mouse and rat model production in the Transgenic Core meets or exceeds standards in the published literature. Nearly 1000 research papers based on the use of mouse and rat models produced in the Core have been published.
- Embryo cryopreservation/recovery
- ES cell
De novo cell line production, Gene targeting, Mouse chimera production,
- Sperm cryopreservation
- Transgenic animals