NanoPos Group
studies nano-scale defects and open volumes in condensed matter using positron annihilation spectroscopies.
David Gidley, PhD
[email protected]
Randall Laboratory (Rm 4428)
450 Church Street, Ann Arbor, MI
Literature, Science and the Arts
Who We Serve
University of Michigan Researchers and External Researchers
Core Summary
The University of Michigan NanoPos group studies nano-scale defects and open volumes in condensed matter using positron annihilation spectroscopies. The facilities include both a bulk-Positron Annihilation Lifetime Spectroscopy (PALS) spectrometer as well as a positron beam-based PALS spectrometer for profiling surfaces and thin films.
- Polymer films and nanocomposites
Coatings/paints/adhesives, Interface/surface physics, Separation and RO Membranes,
- Porosity characterization
Bulk and membrane materials, MOFs, Powders and granulated materials, Thin Films, Zeolites,
- Positron beams