Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG)

Promote safe and evidence-based perioperative care for patients through research, education and quality improvement


Please send email to:
[email protected]


Arbor Lakes, B1F2, Suite 2200
4251 Plymouth Rd.
Ann Arbor, MI 48105


Who We Serve

University of Michigan Researchers
External Researchers

Core Summary

The Multicenter Perioperative Outcomes Group (MPOG) uses health data to analyze the interplay between patient characteristics, healthcare systems, surgical procedures, perioperative care, and postoperative outcomes. We are anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, nurses, surgeons, quality improvement experts, computer programmers, statisticians, researchers, and administrators brought together by a passion for healthcare improvement. Over the last decade, we have built a perioperative patient registry of more than 23 million anesthetic cases integrated across greater than 60 hospitals representing the most comprehensive and detailed global perioperative anesthesiology registry. Our registry is built through collaboration with participating hospitals by using automated processes to extract institutional data that is validated by clinicians before submission to the coordinating center at the University of Michigan. At the coordinating center, data is transformed for use in research, quality improvement, and education. MPOG creates an environment of innovation and collaboration using priorities and subject-area expertise driven by its members and data-use guidelines through the MPOG Quality Committee, the Perioperative Clinical Research Committee, and the Executive Board.

Service Categories: Data Tools and Analysis; Education and Training ; Human Research ; Informatics, Statistics and Computation


  • Big Data

  • Data access

  • Data cleaning

  • Data collection

  • Data science

  • Multicenter Research

  • Protocol development

  • Quality Improvement

  • Subject-Area Expertise


  • Data Den Archival Storage
  • MPOG Data Direct
  • Turbo Storage Volume