Morphomic Analysis Group (MAG)

provides morphomic data derived from medical imaging to improve patient care, further research, and support education.


June Sullivan
[email protected]


Med Sci I (Rm 3328)
1150 W. Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI

Medical School

Who We Serve

University of Michigan Researchers and External Researchers

Core Summary

The goal of the Morphomic Analysis Group (MAG) is to provide the power of morphomic data derived from medical imaging to University of Michigan Medical School investigators to improve patient care, further research, and support education.
Analytic Morphomics® is the measurement of specific biomarkers of body composition and condition from medical imaging. MAG provides services in the novel area of morphomics for broad application in outcomes research, device design, and studies on safety, among others. The group’s innovative, high-throughput, highly automated, anatomically indexed processing of 3D medical imaging data quantifies millions of data points from a single patient’s scan. Aggregating the data from more than 120,000 scans, MAG has developed multiple population-level repositories. This offers the power of big data to identify statistically significant biomarkers that can quantify overall physical health, operative risk, response to treatment, risk of recurrence, among others by taking rapid advantage of advances in computation and medical imaging as well as the statistical techniques developed for genomic and proteomic analysis.

Service Categories: Data Tools and Analysis


  • Assistance in writing morphomic aspects of grants and publications

  • Consultation on morphomic research

  • Management and collaborative analysis of morphomic/clinical/other related data

  • Morphomic algorithm development

  • Robust database of morphomic data

  • Robust IT environment
    Commercial and custom software data security and backup, File server, Postgres database server,

  • Specialized network configurations for access to radiology images

  • Support for processing of medical imaging scans

  • Training on processing for PI and assigned study staff

  • Use of existing algorithms for bone/skin/fat/organs


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