Michigan Flora Online
presents the basic information about all vascular plants known to occur outside of cultivation in the state.
Anton A. Reznicek
[email protected]
University of Michigan Herbarium
3600 Varsity Drive, Ann Arbor, MI
Literature, Science and the Arts
Who We Serve
University of Michigan Researchers and External Researchers
Core Summary
The immediate goals of Michigan Flora Online are to present, in a searchable and browsable form, the basic information about all vascular plants known to occur outside of cultivation in the state. This includes, unlike the published Michigan Flora, the spore bearing vascular plants (ferns, horsetails, club mosses, etc.). Information available includes maps showing the distribution of all the species in the state, keys to all the families, genera, and species, brief discussions about the species, including habitats, nativity, date of first collection of aliens, and in some cases, notes helpful to identification beyond the features noted in the keys. The up-to-date tabular data available for all species includes common name, synonyms linking the name to the published volumes of Michigan Flora, coefficient of conservatism, the coefficient of wetness and the wetness index, State-listed status, whether native or alien, and the physiognomy (annual, biennial, perennial; tree, shrub, vine, forb, grass, sedge, fern). The Michigan Floristic Quality Assessment Database contains an explanation of abbreviations and lists references explaining the Floristic Quality Assessment System. A program to generate the Floristic Quality Index and associated calculations for natural areas, with the ability for customization, is available through the UNIVERSAL FQA CALCULATOR. It is based on data provided in August 2014, and while MICHIGAN FLORA ONLINE will be updated as species changes occur, the data on the Universal Calculator will only be updated occasionally.
- Data access
Comprehensive access to Michigan plant collection data,
- Plant ecology
Access to accurately identified live plant images for most species, Access to continuously updated identification keys,