Michigan Center for Materials Characterization (MC)2
is dedicated to the micron and nanoscale imaging and analysis of materials.
Bobby Kerns
[email protected]
Deana Wendel
[email protected]
NCRC Building 22 (Rm G010)
2800 Plymouth Road, Ann Arbor, MI
Who We Serve
University of Michigan Researchers and External Researchers
Core Summary
The Michigan Center for Materials Characterization, also known as (MC)2, is the University of Michigan’s facility dedicated to the micron and nanoscale imaging, tomography, and analysis of materials. (MC)2 provides state-of-the-art instruments, professional training, and in-depth education for researchers from across campus, local industry, and fellow academic institutions. Users may request training to use our equipment independently or provide samples for service work by our staff.
- Chemical analysis
- CT
MicroCT scanning and analysis, NanoCT scanning and analysis,
- Imaging
Micron and nanoscale imaging,
- Material characterization
- Microscopy
Scanning electron microscopy, Transmission electron microscopy,
- Service Work
- Specimen preparation
- Spectroscopy
- Training
- Benchmark Hotplate Stirrer
- Buehler Ecomet 3 Variable Speed Grinder-Polisher
- Cameca LEAP 5000HR
- FEI Helios 650 Nanolab SEM/FIB
- FEI Nova 200 Nanolab SEM/FIB
- FEI Quanta 3D SEM/FIB
- Fischione Model 1020 Plasma Cleaner
- Fisher Scientific FS20D Ultrasonic Cleaner
- Gatan Model 601 Ultrasonic Disk Cutter
- Gatan Model 626 Cryo TEM holder
- Gatan Model 656 Dimple Grinder
- Gatan Model 691 PIPS
- Hummingbird Scientific Liquid Flow TEM holder
- Hysitron PicoIndenter
- Hysitron TriboIndenter
- JEOL 3100R05 Double Cs Corrected TEM/STEM
- Kratos Axis Ultra XPS
- Leica cryo stage for SEM
- Nikon Microscope with Scion CCD Camera
- Nikon SMZ 745 Microscope
- Nikon SMZ 745T Microscope with Panasonic TV Camera
- Reichert-Jung Ultracut E
- SBT Model 360 Disc Dril
- SBT Model 650 Low Speed Diamond Wheel Saw
- SBT Wire Saw
- Spectra 300 Ultimonochromated Cs Corrected S/TEM
Thermo, Equipment Available for Use - SPI-Module Carbon/Sputter Coater
- SYBRON-Thermolyne Hot Plate Oven OV 10600
- Talos F200X G2 S/TEM
Thermo, Equipment Available For Use - Ted Pella LKB 7800 Knifemaker
- Thermolyne Type 1000 Stir Plate
- Veeco Dimension Icon AFM
- Zeiss Xradia Versa 520 3D X-ray Microscope with DCT module