Data & Design Core, Eisenberg Family Depression Center

Offers statistical support and guidance for leveraging secondary data resources for mental health research


Meghan Seewald

[email protected]


Eisenberg Family Depression Center
Rachel Upjohn Building
4260 Plymouth Rd
Ann Arbor, MI 48109

Eisenberg Family Depression Center

Who We Serve

University of Michigan Researchers

Core Summary

The Data & Design Core provides expertise, guidance and hands-on support to investigators utilizing secondary data sources for mental health research. Secondary data provides a low-cost and low-time investment alternative to primary data collection, so that investigators can make impactful research conclusions more quickly and efficiently. There is a wealth of robust secondary data available for use in mental health research – our goal is to connect investigators to these sources and support them in their use.

Our Core administers the Research Incubator Program, a hands-on supportive program for early-career investigators and trainees from al disciplinary backgrounds using secondary data for mental health research. The program provides hands-on staffing support via a statistician and project manager, as well as high-level faculty guidance. This supportive model allows research to be completed more quickly and efficiently, generally within one year or less. We also offer consultation and a range of resources to support and navigate secondary data usage.

Service Categories: Data Tools and Analysis; Informatics, Statistics and Computation


  • Consultations

  • Data access

  • Data analysis

  • Statistics

  • Study design

Additional Services

Statistical support
Staffing support
Data resources
Analytical guidance
Measurement guidance


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