BSB Imaging and Cell Analysis Core
Laser scanning confocal microscopes, transmission electron microscope, and flow cytometry access and training.
Gregg Sobocinski
(734) 615-2034
[email protected]
Basement of the Biological Sciences Building
College of LSA, University of Michigan
1105 North University Ave
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1085
Literature, Science and the Arts
Who We Serve
University of Michigan Researchers
Core Summary
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Our Leica SP5 upright-microscope, laser scanning confocal imaging system includes 405 Diode, 458, 476, 488, 514nm Argon gas, 561nm, and 633nm lasers. Other features include spectral detection, 3PMT detectors, 2 HyD GaAsP avalance detectors, high speed Resonant Scanner (8,000Hz), and stage inserts for accommodating slides, culture dishes, and well slides. Objectives include 10x dry 20x dry, 40x dry Corr, 20x aqueous dipping, 40x aqueous dipping, 63x glycerin Corr, and 100x oil lenses. The system runs LAS AF software.
Our Jeol 1400 plus transmission electron microscope (TEM) is configured for biological sample imaging using an AMT XR80 camera. Accessories include high-tilt specimen holder, correlative imaging software, and electron tomography module and software.
The Attune NXT flow cytometer is appointed with 4 lasers (405, 488, 561, and 637nm), up to 16 detection channels (depending on your color overlap), and the capacity to run 384 or 96 well plates with the new Cytkick Max autosampler. Accommodates all well types, but round or conical well bases are preferred.