Biological Mass Spectrometry Facility

Analyzing biological and large macromolecular samples using mass spectrometry.


Carmen Dunbar
(734) 647-2878
[email protected]


Chemistry Building
Room A525
930 N. University Ave.

Literature, Science and the Arts

Who We Serve

University of Michigan Researchers
External Researchers

Core Summary

The Biological Mass Spectrometry facility provides analysis of intact proteins, multi-protein complexes, and protein structure, identification and purification of compounds from complex mixtures coupled with quantitative analysis, and purification using mass-directed auto-purification liquid chromatography.

Service Categories: Chemical, Material and Protein Characterization; Data Tools and Analysis ; Education and Training


  • Mass spectrometry
    Intact mass, Ion Mobility (IMS), LC-MS, Native mass spectrometry, Preparative LC-MS,

Additional Services

Native mass spectrometry involves the process of analyzing large proteins and macromolecules typically in intact form as close as possible to the native state. This often means spraying samples in small amounts of ammonium salts (ammonium acetate or formate). These experiments can be performed on our Thermo QExactive ultra-high mass range (UHMR) instrument.

Intact mass is the analysis of small molecules and proteins in their intact form prior to the digestion of fragmentation. These experiments can be performed on the Thermo QExactive ultra-high mass range (UHMR) instrument and the Thermo TSQ-Quantis triple quadrupole instrument.

Ion Mobility (IMS) is an analytical technique that separates ions in the gas phase based on their mobility in a carrier buffer. This allows a level of separation between like masses that cannot be done in the liquid state and can be done on both small and large biomolecules. These experiments can be performed on the Water Cyclic Ion Mobility instrument.

Liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (LC-MS) uses chromatographic separation of components and contaminants prior to mass analysis. This allows for sample clean-up as well as the separation of compounds of interest. These experiments can be performed on the Thermo TSQ-Quantis instrument.

Preparative LC-MS uses large-scale preparative columns to clean up synthesized compounds and collect the resulting products after chromatographic separation. This is a mass-directed system to ensure the correct final product is isolated from any side products. These experiments can be performed on the Waters Preparative LC-MS instrumentation.


  • QExactive Ultra High Range Mass Spectrometry
  • TSQ Quantis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry
  • Waters Cyclic Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry
  • Waters LC preparative auto-purification mass spectrometry system